Properties Voigtberg, B.C.
- 2,900 ha porphyry copper-gold-molybdenum project located 130 km northwest of Stewart, B.C.
- Situated 40 km east of Galore Creek and 4 km north of the Galore Creek access road and proposed hydro-electric power corridor.
- Intrusive-related Gold Zone defined over strike length of 300 m open in all directions.
- Drill hole VGT06-05 at Gold Zone intersected 51.15 m @ 1.03 g/t gold, including 18.17 m @ 1.87 g/t gold.
- North Zone shows copper-molybdenum soil anomaly, coincident IP chargeability and anomalous gold and molybdenum in drill core.
- Moly Zone open to expansion in all directions.
The Targets
Four main zones of interest have been identified on the property: the Gold Zone, a 400 x 650 metre area coincident with a > 300 ppb gold-in-soil anomaly and a chargeability high; the North Zone, an 800 x 400 metre area with a > 250 ppm copper and > 100 ppm molybdenum in-soil anomaly coincident with a chargeability high; the Moly Zone, a 200 x 100 metre molybdenum-in-soil anomaly discovered during exploration of the Gold and North zones; and the Gossan Zone, a northeast-trending broad area of gold mineralization.
BCGold Corp.’s exploration focus has been on the Gold Zone and the North Zone.
Nearby Deposits
The Voigtberg property is located 40 kilometres east of the Galore Creek copper-gold-silver deposit (NovaGold Inc. and Teck Resources Ltd.) and 80 kilometres south of the North ROK porphyry discovery (Colorado Resources Ltd.). The Galore Creek deposit is one of the largest, highest-grade, undeveloped porphyry-related copper-gold-silver deposits in North America.
BCGold Corp. has a 100% interest in the Voigtberg property. See April 22, 2014 news release.